Camera Equipment to Bring To You Honeymoon | What to Wear on your honeymoon | Ellen Ashton Photography | Dallas Wedding Photographer


This weekend it was the internet was screaming for me to make a “honeymoon must have” list for all of you beautiful brides to be!

Honeymoons are a time for you and your new husband to connect, relax and enjoy each other. But often I see my brides taking photos with their husbands while away on their romantic getaways and I keep thinking to myself “I should make a list of photography items they should take with them.” So, this is it!

Below I have listed some photography equipment that ranges from iPhone cameras and equipment to a great point-and-shoot sony camera. Your honeymoon is a once in a life time opportunity and I want you to be able to capture the memories in a way they deserve to be remembered! In addition, I’ve added some fun items that I think would make great photo opportunities or just cute outfits for your honeymoon photos!

I hope this post is helpful to you as you plan your honeymoon!